16 Jan A Revolution in Chiropractic Treatment
At Spinal Rehab of North County, we are your Pleasant Grove and Utah County chiropractor, we do things differently. Yes, we help people with low back pain, neck pain, headaches, disc pain, sciatica, whiplash, or auto injury pain get better…However, we offer you expert pain relief treatment differently than most other chiropractic offices out there.
What we do is offer the most gentle, effective, chiropractic care the way YOU want to receive it.
What does this mean? We not only help treat your symptoms to help get you out of pain but, we find the cause of your pain first, so you can have lasting results! It also means we DO NOT do any unnecessary long-term treatment plans. We DO NOT do any pre-paid treatment programs. We DO NOT do any high-pressure sales or treatment programs.
What we do offer is short-term chiropractic care to get out of pain as quickly as possible. We do it on your schedule! We always offer same day treatment.
You don’t know when you will have pain so why do you have to wait a day or 2 to get treatment? We offer our fantastic care at a price you can afford. We accept all insurance and if you do not have insurance benefits we will work with you so that you can get out of pain at a price that you can afford.
Our ultimate goal is to have a patient centered practice where you feel welcome when you call, comfortable when you are being treated and better when you leave.
We want to be the place you call first when you have pain and the place that you are excited to tell your friends and family about. A place that you know when you refer someone, knowing they will be treated the way you would want them to be treated.
We are always here to help our Pleasant Grove and Utah County friends. Call us today at 801-899-3111!
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