Have you been in a car accident recently in or around Pleasant Grove? Contact Spinal Rehab in Pleasant Grove to get a free massage and assessment. Auto accidents are no joke and they can seriously impact your back and neck. If you’ve been in an accident recently, don’t risk it. Come in and see us to get a free assessment, plus a free 60-minute massage. There is no reason to suffer more than needed after an accident. Misalignment or whiplash can leave you dealing with pain for years to come. Come see us in Pleasant Grove to avoid unnecessary back pain after an accident!
At Spinal Rehab we provide comprehensive care for the back and spine. Our experienced staff is ready to help you work through back pain, relax with a much need massage, or perform an adjustment to help you feel a little more comfortable. We can help with auto accident treatment, general chiropractic care, and massage therapy. Spinal health is extremely important in your day to day life. There is nothing worse than going through the day with a kink in your neck or a pain in your back. Get the relief you need at Spinal Rehab in Pleasant Grove.