22 Sep Top 5 Things To Do & NOT Do After A Car Accident!
Car accidents are very common. Statistically everyone will get into a car accident about 1 time every 10 years or so. Some people are very lucky and have never been in a car accident, while others seem to have a target painted on their car!
Regardless of whether you have never been in an auto accident or have been in multiple accidents, you should still be prepared. Below we will go over the top 5 things to NOT do if you’re in a car accident and the top 5 things to do when you get in an accident.
Top 5 Things To NOT Do When Your In An Accident:
- Never take fault for the accident! You may feel like the accident was your fault but there may be other circumstances that occured that you were unaware of that makes it NOT your fault. Let the insurance companies and police officers determine fault.
- Never leave the scene of an accident or leave without getting the other drivers info. Even though there may not be visible damage to your vehicle, never leave without the name, phone number, car insurance info of the person you were in the accident with.
- Never tell someone at the scene that you have no injuries. When you get hit, your body’s normal response is to release adrenaline. Adrenaline will almost always make you feel like you are fine and don’t have any injuries. Instead tell them you are not feeling any pain at that time.
- Never take any payment from the insurance company. Some insurance companies offer you a small amount of money and have you sign away your rights so that you cannot get compensation for any future medical bills. If they are offering you money please contact a reputable personal injury attorney.
- Never wait longer than 1 week to get your body evaluated for any injuries. Even if you are NOT feeling any pain you should still get evaluated by a competent professional to ensure there are not any hidden injuries that will cause problems in the future.
Now that you know what NOT to do let’s talk about….
The Top 5 Things To Do When Your In An Accident:
- Always take a lot of pictures. Take pictures as soon as possible of where the impact happened, any damage, anything that may have been obstructing the view of traffic signs or lights. Take pictures of the other vehicles license plate, insurance card & driver’s license. You cannot have enough picture documentation.
- Call the police if there is visual damage to your vehicle or if you are having any pain whatsoever. If you have damage to the vehicle make sure you have the police come and give a report of the accident as they will help determine fault and can get you medical attention if needed.
- Always exchange your info with the other driver and make sure you get all of their info. Again having too much information will never hurt you, but if you don’t have enough information it may make it a challenge if you have to file a claim for damage to your vehicle or a claim for medical bills.
- Always ask others in the area if they saw what happened and can be a witness. If you have another vehicle or a pedestrian that witnessed the accident and can testify of what happened that may be critical in determining fault. If they cannot stay at the scene get their contact info and ask if they’d be willing to make a statement.
- Always get evaluated ASAP after any car accident. Injuries can occur in almost any type of accident at any speed with sometimes little to no property damage. You always need to document as early as possible if you have injuries and the severity of those injuries.
Now you know the top 5 things to do and NOT do if you are in a car accident. I would recommend putting this list to memory or putting it on your phone somewhere so IF the time comes that you’re in a car accident you know what to do and NOT do.
If you or someone you know was recently in a car accident then call our office. We can evaluate you and take any needed x-rays to determine the extent of your potential injuries. There is NO out of pocket cost to you for the evaluation, x-rays and any needed treatment for injuries related to a car accident. Call now to schedule 801-492-9300.
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