12 Aug Important Update From Spinal Rehab
Our goal at Spinal Rehab is to offer the most convenient and comprehensive chiropractic care in the State of Utah for a great price. We have been doing it now for 18 years. Part of what makes us great is that we do NOT do any long term pre-paid treatment programs. We offer short term convenient treatment. We always do same day appointments. We offer massage therapy with a licensed massage therapist at every visit, when available. We also offer spinal decompression, electrical muscle stimulation, intersegmental traction & laser therapy at no additional charge.
However as time goes on, the costs associated with being open have gone up. From payroll costs to paying our massage therapists well, to keep them, our costs have gone up through the years. Due to these normal increases we are forced to increase our prices as well.
The following will be our new prices for cash paying patients (this is a time of service discount) starting September 1:
- Full office visit includes adjustment, 15m massage & any other needed therapy. Previous cost: $60 New cost: $70
- Adjustment only will stay the same $35
- 60 minute massage: Previous cost: $50 New cost: $70
- 30 minute massage: Previous cost: $30 New cost: $40
- If you’d like to add an extra 15 minutes of massage onto your full office visit cost it is $10 for each additional 15 minutes.
Our goal with these changes is to continue to offer the best care and have some of the best massage therapists available.
If you have any questions please feel free to call 801-492-9300
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